Poor Eddie
Fullscreen Mode 
Poor Eddie.
Each level represents a different day in Eddie’s life. Eddie always needs a nudge or more to get going From getting out of bed to going to work shopping or to the gym.
Playing Mechanics:
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- The Environment is Interactive.It’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’s a good thing that it’: Each level is filled with objects with which players can interact to move Eddie to the exit. Players need to strategize on how best to use each item to propel Eddie forward From the alarm clock to the rolling pins skateboards and bouncy beds. list-item. list-item.
- Action Direct for Eddie.There is a: Players may need to intervene with Eddie At times. This can include a soft push a powerful kick or even a slap! The challenge is to find when and how to act so that Eddie can exit in The most efficient way. list-item. list-item.
- Challenges Puzzles.There is a: Certain level introduces puzzles which have to be solved to create a clear path for Eddie. In a specific order arranging books could open a door or correctly arranging dominoes could create a chain reaction that moves Eddie forward. list-item. list-item.
- Time Limits Star Ratings.There is a: Each level can have a time limit To increase challenge and replayability. If you complete the level faster it could earn you more points or stars. list-item. list-item.
- NPCs Other Characters.There is a: Other characters can be introduced As the levels progress which either hinder Eddie’s progress or help him. The dog could chase Eddie making him move faster while a friendly neighbor could offer him a couch to sleep on slowing him down to a crawl. list-item. list-item.
- Boosts Boosts.It’s not a matter of if, it’s whether or not it’s a matter of whether or not it’s a matter of whether or not it’s a matter of whether or not it’s a matter of whether or not it’s a matter of: Special things that give Eddie temporary boosts like a caffeine shot that makes him move faster for a short time or headphones that make him dance towards the exit can be collected or earned. list-item.
Audio Visual:The game’s visual style can be cartoonish and exaggerated showing The humor in Eddie’s reluctance and The sometimes absurd methods used to get him moving. The audio could include comical sound effects such as Eddie’s groans and mumbles and upbeat background music to contrast his laziness.
Mobile or online Monetization:
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- Purchases made In the app.There is a: Special power-ups, alternate costumes, or even unique level packs are available. list-item. list-item.
- Advertising.It’s not uncommon for a person to say that it’s not uncommon for a person to say that it’s not uncommon for a person to say that it’s not uncommon for a person to say that it’s not uncommon for a person to say that it’s: View ads for temporary boosts or to earn in-game currency. list-item. list-item.
- There are Level Packs.There is a: Offer more challenging levels of additional packs for a fee. list-item.